She does this about 5 mornings a week: she sleeps on the stairs--right in the middle of the stairs--so I nearly trip over her when I come downstairs in the morning. And she chooses a step near the top, so that if I do fall it will be a good distance. It's funny how cats can be so clever sometimes. Ashley has had her moments of brilliance over the years, but she more often leads us to shake our heads and lament her lack of smarts.
When I first came down the stairs today, she was all spread-out--paws stretched to the wall. And she didn't even move when I walked by (so this isn't some kind of ploy to ensure that she traps us into a feeding first thing in the morning). In fact, she was still there when Jim came downstairs an hour later (he asked me if she was sitting there when I came down, because he nearly tripped over her too). Maybe it will take one of us falling over her to get it through her head...this is not a good place to sleep at night. Or not. Cats may be clever or they may be dumb, but they're always stubborn. And just look at that smug look on her face...thanks, kitty.